

Bouldering is rock climbing stripped down to its basic essentials. No ropes or harnesses are used, all one needs are climbing shoes and some chalk. Unlike traditional rock climbing or free solo climbing, bouldering problems (the sequence of moves that a climber performs to complete the climb) are usually between five and seven metres tall. I have been indoor bouldering since 2015 as a unique way to keep physically active.

Bouldering is a test of physical strength, agility and technique; but more importantly it is a test of being able to solve problems on the fly.

Tabletop gaming

I play primarily cooperative tabletop games, in which participants come together for a shared aim, supporting each other to complete the mission at hand. I have found tabletop gaming to be an excellent way to carve out regular time to socialise with friends and mentally unwind.

It supports teamwork, forward planning and amending said plans when the roll of the dice doesn't go your way.


I attend both west end shows as well as smaller, independent productions and increasingly enjoying immersive theatre productions. Anything from classic Shakespeare at the Globe to small productions under Waterloo’s arches, to immersive events that makes you run across central London.


Inspired by my parents, with whom I spent many youthful summers travelling abroad to see family, I have developed a love for immersing myself in different cultures, lifestyles and experiences. I have currently travelled to to 5 of the 7 continents, recently to diverse locations as Russia and the Philippines.